OpenRobo lead with a disruptive technology framework approach that leverages Open Source and Low/No Code techniques for RPA 1.0 to 4.0 (Unassisted to Artificial Intelligence) automation.

It enables us to build the fastest, most advanced & cost-effective automation in the world.

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We are an RPA & Hyper Automation solution provider, focused on delivering domain & operation-specific services and pre-trained solutions to automate a specific business problem.

With a combined experience of over five decades, we pioneered several innovative and patented solutions. Working on automation-based solutions since 2005. Our motto to add value to the business with optimal cost.

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worm's eye-view photography of ceiling
worm's eye-view photography of ceiling
black and blue audio mixer
black and blue audio mixer
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About Us

We are a team of experts in robotic process automation and intelligent automation, dedicated to providing open source solutions for businesses of all sizes.

a group of people standing around a display of video screens
a group of people standing around a display of video screens
a light bulb sitting on top of a table
a light bulb sitting on top of a table